Sunday, December 18, 2011

Halal & Haram Foods

Halal & Haram     
    In Islam there are only certain types of food we can eat. These are called halal foods. In Islam it is not prohibited to eat meat. There is a variety of animals we can eat. But there are also animals that are haram, not allowed. For at example ; Swine, donkey . We are not allowed to eat dead carcasses or an animal with blood still in it. The reason behind this is because Allah (god) has forbidden it. Sheep, goat, camel, chicken, and deer are halal. 

                                  Hunting in Islam
    Hunting for animals has its own  process in Islam. We do not kill the animal immediately.  We shoot the animal in the leg then follow the blood trail. Once we find the animal and you see it dying, you slaughter at the throat at the carotid artery.

To find out more about “Halal and Haram” foods go to  

Anmar Thind & Yusuf Ahmad

Halal and Haram Foods

Halal and Haram Foods
Halal: Halal foods are foods that Muslims can eat. Halal foods include animals which are killed a certain way. When you are trying to kill an animal to eat, you need to shoot it on the leg or a place so that it will stop running. Then you have to go to the animal and cut its head off in a certain place and way on the neck. You also say “Bismillah” before you kill the animal. You can’t kill animals for “fun” in Islam. Halal foods are usually not common in stores and restaurants, so Muslims usually have to make food themselves or search for a Halal restaurant.
Haram: Haram foods are foods that Muslims can’t eat. Some Haram foods include pig, gelatin, and blood in food. Many candies have gelatin in them so Muslims should always check. Gelatin is made of pig, which God has forbidden us to eat. God also doesn’t want us to eat blood. If a food isn’t Halal, it doesn’t mean that the food is Haram. Haram is what God has forbidden us to eat. Food that isn’t Halal is not preferred.
-          Mizna


Tennis is like Islam in some ways:

·        Tennis is struggling to hit the ball
·         In Islam you are struggling for Allah
·        In tennis, the better you are, the more good you play
·         In Islam, the better Muslim you are, the more good deeds you do
-         Mizna

Integrity in Islam

Integrity in Islam refers to restoration and maintenance of natural and primal state of purity. The quran says "Set your face to the deen (religion of Islam) in sincerity which is Allaah's fitrah upon which He created mankind. There is no changing in the creation of Allaah. That is the right deen but most people know not." [Quran 30:30]. Also integrity is in islam because the quran and the prophet told us not to lie and to be honest.

-- Maha

                   Integrity  is one of the most important and oft-cited of virtue terms. It is also perhaps the most puzzling. For example, while it is sometimes used virtually synonymously with ‘moral,’ we also at times distinguish acting morally from acting with integrity. Persons of integrity may in fact act immorally—though they would usually not know they are acting immorally. Thus one may acknowledge a person to have integrity even though that person may hold importantly mistaken moral views.

-- Sana

Holidays and Islam

In Islam there are 2 holidays; eid ul fitr & eid ul adhaa. The majority of people dont even know about eid but i think that if they learned about it they would not mind  celebrating it. Like if you took something to school you could just say, "this is for eid i brought one for every one" they would serve. Also i you wanted to you could tell everyone what eid is all about. I think it is ok to go to parties of a holiday like christmas even if you dont celebrate it. And for halloween no one even knows what halloween is about so its okay to go get candy. For thanksgiving you can celebrate it because you can be thankful for anything.

By: Maha & Sana

Halal and Haram Foods

What is halal and haram in Islam?

Halal-When killing an animal that is halal, you have to kill it in the name of god,
and have a reason to kill it, like as for food or clothing . What other food that are halal are, Zabiha chicken, goat, cow, lamb,and all of the animals' in the sea
but some people may disagree, but majority of the people say it's halal.

Haram-When eating an animal that is not Zabiha like an animal's carcass it's haram. Pork is haram in Islam, the reason behind that is god has forbidden it, and you have to obey god no matter what. Gelatin, another form of pig is haram. Alcohol is forbidden in Islam, because it is not good for you, there is no point in drinking something that can hurt you. Drugs, depending on which drug you use and for what purpose such as marijuana is legal in California only for medical uses. But smoking --  is it halal or haram? In some opinions it's haram, so if you do it it's makruh tahriman and a sin.

Blood is Haram in Islam because as a Muslim or a human you must clean the food or drink you consume. Blood must be taken out of the animal due to the uncleanliness of the animal.

Halal foods are the foods Muslims are allowed to eat and Haram foods are the foods we are not allowed to eat.


Saturday, December 3, 2011

Relays and Islam

Islamic faith is like the people in relays.  Without all the people you can not do the relay properly, just like the 5 pillars of Islam.  The first person is the Shahada, the belief that Allah is the only god and Muhammed (PBUH) is his messenger.  The 2nd person is Salat, 5 daily prayers and the 3rd is Sawm, fasting during Ramadan.  The 4th person is Zakat, or charity and the last person is Hajj, a pilgrimage to Mecca.

by Fayyaz Ahmed